The First Live Show of YUNBOSHI TECHNOLOGY On Alibaba

This Wednesday, YUNBOSHI TECHNOLOGY held a live streaming on to introduce our latest products to the overseas customers. The live streaming host showed industrial electronic drying cabinets, industrial and commercial dehumidifiers. She also explained the usage of these humidity and temperature control equipments.

As a Chinese leading in humidity and temperature control solutions provider, YUNBOSHI Provides humidity control drying cabinets to aerial, semiconductor, optical areas. Our dry cabinet is used to protect products from moisture & humidity related damages such as mildew, fungus, mold, rust, oxidation, and warping. YUNBOSHI TECHNOLOGY  focuses on the research and development of its humidity control technologies for a range of markets in pharmaceutical, electronic, semiconductor and packaging. The next live show is planned at the beginning of January, 2021. the main products we will prmote is soap dispensers and hand driers. 



Post time: Dec-25-2020