Dehumidifying cepat desikator kabinet pengeringan elektronik OEM/ODM pabrikan di China
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China We not only produce mositure-proof cabinets, we also provide electronic drying cabinets OEM and ODM services. Fast Dehum...Baca selengkapnya -
Yunboshi Desiccator Kabinet Pengeringan Elektronik dengan Laci di dalamnya
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China It is more convenient to put producing moisture sensitive materials in electronic drying cabinets with draws. YUNBOSHI D...Baca selengkapnya -
Produsen Tiongkok Dehumidifying Dehumidifying Kabinet Pengeringan Elektronik untuk Penggunaan Laboratorium
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Laboratory euipments storage requires mindful care. Too much moisture causes mold on precision...Baca selengkapnya -
Gudang Level Industri Cepat Mengurangi Kabinet Pengeringan Elektronik dan Kelembaban Maunufacturer Maunufacturer
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Industrial Level Warehosue Fast Dehumidifying Desiccator Electronic Drying and Humidity Contro...Baca selengkapnya -
Produsen lemari penyimpanan peralatan fotografi di China -Yunboshi Technology
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China During raining seasons, too much moisture causes mould grow on camera lens. Photography Equipm...Baca selengkapnya -
Dehumidifying Fast Desikator Kabinet Pengeringan Elektronik untuk Produsen Endoskop di China
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Too much moisture causes mold on precision devices such as endoscopes and microscopes. Fast De...Baca selengkapnya -
Pemasok oven vakum –ununboshi teknologi di Cina
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Vacuum ovens or drying ovens are used for drying products in vacuum environment. They are wi...Baca selengkapnya -
2024 Tahun Baru 【Diskon】 hingga 60% untuk mendatang! Lemari kontrol kelembaban dijual
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China The new year of 2024 is on its steps. To celebrate the coming of the new year, YUNBOSHI humi...Baca selengkapnya -
Produk Laboratorium Cepat Mengurangi Kabinet Pengeringan Desiccator Untuk Peralatan atau Penyimpanan Bahan
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Laboratory Product Fast Dehumidifying Desiccator Drying Cabinets for Equipment or Materials Storage. Some special mater...Baca selengkapnya -
Peralatan Fotografi Penyimpanan Penyimpanan Kabinet Produsen di China
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Photography Equipment Storage Drying Cabinet Manufacturer in China. High moisture level is harmfurl to camera lens. As ...Baca selengkapnya -
Distributor lemari pengeringan dari India mengunjungi teknologi Yunboshi
Pada tanggal 5 September, dua tamu India dari India datang ke Teknologi Yunboshi. Mereka adalah distributor lemari pengeringan besar India dan mengenal Yunboshi dari situs web. Mereka datang ke Cina dengan sengaja dan menemukan harga dan kualitas produk kontrol kelembaban dari Yunboshi m ...Baca selengkapnya -
Ulasan Kinerja Kerja Yunboshi untuk April
Pada 30 April. Teknologi Yunboshi mengadakan peninjauan pertunjukan. Setiap orang telah membuat persiapan penuh karena kami menyimpan jurnal kerja harian atau mingguan, kami menunjukkan kesuksesan kami serta celana pendek kami selama pertemuan. Di akhir ulasan, setiap kolega mungkin mengajukan pertanyaan ...Baca selengkapnya