Vinnige ontvochtiging van die droogte elektroniese droogkaste OEM/ODM -vervaardiger China
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China We not only produce mositure-proof cabinets, we also provide electronic drying cabinets OEM and ODM services. Fast Dehum...Lees meer -
Yunboshi -droogmiddel elektroniese droogkas met laaie daarin
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China It is more convenient to put producing moisture sensitive materials in electronic drying cabinets with draws. YUNBOSHI D...Lees meer -
Chinese vervaardiger van vinnige ontvochtiging van droogte elektroniese droogkaste vir laboratoriumgebruik
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Laboratory euipments storage requires mindful care. Too much moisture causes mold on precision...Lees meer -
Industriële vlak Warehosue vinnige ontvochtiging van die elektroniese droog- en humiditeitskaste
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Industrial Level Warehosue Fast Dehumidifying Desiccator Electronic Drying and Humidity Contro...Lees meer -
Vervaardiger van fotografie -toerusting in China -Yunboshi Technology
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China During raining seasons, too much moisture causes mould grow on camera lens. Photography Equipm...Lees meer -
Vinnige ontvochtiging van die droogte elektroniese droogkaste vir die vervaardiger van endoskope in China
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Too much moisture causes mold on precision devices such as endoscopes and microscopes. Fast De...Lees meer -
Vacuum oondverskaffer - Yunboshi -tegnologie in China
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Vacuum ovens or drying ovens are used for drying products in vacuum environment. They are wi...Lees meer -
2024 Nuwejaar 【Afslag】 tot 60% afslag op komende! Humiditeitskaste wat te koop is
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China The new year of 2024 is on its steps. To celebrate the coming of the new year, YUNBOSHI humi...Lees meer -
Laboratoriumproduk vinnig Dehumidifying Dryiccator Drying Kabinette vir toerusting of stoor van materiaal
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Laboratory Product Fast Dehumidifying Desiccator Drying Cabinets for Equipment or Materials Storage. Some special mater...Lees meer -
Fotografie -toerustingberging droog kabinet vervaardiger in China
Mobile:(86)18962686898; (86)57750298 Website: Location: No.268, South Wangshan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China Photography Equipment Storage Drying Cabinet Manufacturer in China. High moisture level is harmfurl to camera lens. As ...Lees meer -
Drying kaste verspreiders uit Indië het Yunboshi -tegnologie besoek
Op 5 September het twee Indiese gaste van Indië na Yunboshi -tegnologie gekom. Hulle is Indiër se groot droogkaste verspreider en het Yunboshi van die webwerf leer ken. Hulle het doelbewus na China gekom en die prys en kwaliteit van humiditeitsbeheerprodukte van Yunboshi m gevind ...Lees meer -
Yunboshi Job Performance Review vir April
Op 30 April. Yunboshi -tegnologie het 'n hersiening van werkprestasies gehou. Almal het die volle voorbereiding gemaak omdat ons daagliks of weeklikse werkjoernaal hou, ons toon ons sukses sowel as ons kortbroek tydens die vergadering. Aan die einde van die oorsig kan enige kollega 'n vraag stel ...Lees meer